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Survey Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 8, August 2014 | Popularity: 6.3 / 10
A Defense Security Approach against Hacking Using Trusted Graphs
D. N. Rewadkar, Harshal A. Kute
Abstract: Nowadays, accessing information and exchanging of data in business industry is increasing. But it also increases the risk of Security. One of important security problem is Hacking. Hacking is the practice of modifying the features of system, in order to accomplish a goal outside of the creators original purpose. Number of solutions is provided against hacking but they are unable to address those issues. This paper explains the dynamic security approach for entire infrastructure to protect against hacking. The proposed infrastructure avoids the three pre-hacking steps. It generates the trusted graph and creates the confusion in front of hacker. Hacker cannot understand the current communication infrastructure and it is difficult for him to break the system easily.
Keywords: Component, trusted graph, hacking, network security, understanding agent
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 8, August 2014
Pages: 1879 - 1884
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