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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 7, July 2014 | Popularity: 6.2 / 10
Object Oriented Modeling of DSA for Authentication of Student in E-Learning
Ambalika Ghosh, Sunil Karforma
Abstract: E-Learning is the interactive transfer of knowledge via an intranet or the internet. Due to use of internet as electronic communication media there are several types of risks & threats that may hamper security of E-learning environment. At the time of online submission of filling up form during any course registration by student, the authenticity and integrity of the information can be ensured using digital signature. To enhance the security level of the information the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) can be used to generate digital signature which will be an industry standard algorithm using public key cryptography for security of various electronic systems like E-Governance, E-Banking, E- Commerce etc. In this paper authors have applied DSA algorithm to achieve optimal resource allocation, faster information and enhanced security for authentication of information in E-Learning during submission of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) based filled up course registration form in Object Oriented paradigm.
Keywords: Digital Signature, DSA, Authentication, ICT, Object Oriented
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 7, July 2014
Pages: 2293 - 2297
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