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Research Paper | Botany | Pakistan | Volume 3 Issue 7, July 2014 | Popularity: 7.1 / 10
Impact of Waste Water Irrigation on Cauliflower Yield in Punjab, Pakistan
Muhammad Majeed, Muhammad Shafiq Chaudhry, Syeda Sadaf Zehra, Syed M. Naeem Gillani, Fahad Ajmal
Abstract: In Peri-urban areas of Punjab a large number of populations is directly related to agriculture sector and depend upon it for food and economy. On the other words, waste water proved to be useful for the yield of vegetables. In a given study conducted in the Department of Life Sciences, the Islamia University Bahawalpur, Pakistan during 2012, and analysis of three treatments i. e. waste water, mix water and fresh water was carried out by applying production criteria. The data of yield of Cauliflower was collected from Rangillpur peri-urban area of District Multan, 5 Km away toward South-West to the main city center. So, it is clear that Waste water play good role for the yield of Cauliflower. Results indicated that there was an increase of 12 % fruit diameter, 37 % fruit yield and 16 % in fruit yield per acre were obtained from waste water irrigation were higher (positive impacts) as compared to mix water and fresh water site of irrigation. Such type of findings will useful for impact of waste water on production of vegetables cultivated in peri- urban areas.
Keywords: Waste water, fresh, Pakistan
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 7, July 2014
Pages: 2107 - 2110
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