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Survey Paper | Management | Kenya | Volume 3 Issue 7, July 2014 | Popularity: 6.5 / 10
Effect of Career Management to the Organizational Performance in Companies Listed in Nairobi Security Exchange in Kenya
Rita Kagwiria lyria, G. S Namusonge, Dr. Kabare Karanja
Abstract: The study sought to determine the effects of career management as a component of talent management on organizational performance in companies listed in the Nairobi Security Exchange (NSE) in Kenya. Descriptive, qualitative and quantitative study designs were used and stratified simple random sampling technique was employed to enable select the respondents from the ten stratums of NSE listed companies. The target population was 534 top managers of NSE listed companies. A sample size of 224 respondents was picked from the ten stratum of the NSE listed companies. Questionnaires were the main instruments of data collection and the NSE handbook (2013) was the main source of the secondary data. Research findings indicated career management as a component of talent management had a positive and significant influence on the organizational performance.
Keywords: Effect, career management, Organization Performance, Listed, Nairobi Security Exchange
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 7, July 2014
Pages: 1916 - 1921
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