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Research Paper | Medicine Science | India | Volume 3 Issue 8, August 2014 | Popularity: 6.9 / 10
A Comparative Study in Bone Decalcification Using Different Decalcifying Agents
Sudha Jimson, Balachander.N, K. M. K. Masthan, Rajesh Elumalai
Abstract: Title A COMPARATIVE STUDY IN BONE DECALCIFICATION USING DIFFERENT DECALCIFYING AGENTS Aim The aim of the study is to evaluate the efficacy of different decalcifying agent used to decalcify bone. Bone is the strongest part in the human. Two types of bones are seen cancellous bone and compact bone. Demonstration of bone is quite difficult than any other tissues. To obtain satisfactory paraffin or celloidin of bone inorganic calcium must be removed from the organic collagen matrix, cartilage and surrounding tissue. Materials and methods All the samples collected were from the human mandible fixed in neutral buffered formalin for 24 hrs. Cut into pieces ranging from 2cm in size. The samples were decalcified using 10 % formic acid, 5 % nitric acid, neutral EDTA, HCL, 5 %, nitric + EDTA. Results For 5 % nitric acid the initial decalcification started on 9th day, for HCL on 14th day, formic acid on 25th day and 5 %nitric acid +EDTA on 22nd day, neutral EDTA on 45th day. (graph1) The end point of decalcification for 5 % nitric acid was 25days, HCl was 34days, 5 % nitric acid +EDTA was 46 days, 10 %formic acid was 47days, for neutral EDTA was 61 days. Conclusion According to our study among the comparison of the five decalcifying agents formic acid proves to be the best with moderate time for decalcification and with ribboning of sections, good nuclear staining and minimal edema
Keywords: Decalcification, EDTA, End point test, Ammonium Oxalate
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 8, August 2014
Pages: 1226 - 1229
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