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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 6, June 2014 | Popularity: 6.2 / 10
Enhancing the Mobile Cloud Server Security by MAC Address
Kamalpreet Kaur, Navpreet Kaur Walia
Abstract: Mobile Cloud computing is an emerging and vast area for the field of research. In the era of advanced technology the client and server architecture is been shifting from distributed or cluster to cloud architecture. Smart phone devices are booming in market and it covers most of the works of people which was earlier used to done by the help of computer. We can read mails with push notifications facility; we can communicate and store large number of data in mobile devices. As the Internet-enabled mobile devices including smartphones and tablets continue to grow; web-based malicious threats will continue to increase in number to make more complex. Securing data is more critical in the Mobile Cloud Environment. So; one of the key challenges is to design the cloud computing security architecture for mobile device on the internet. In this paper we proposed security architecture for mobile cloud computing.
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 6, June 2014
Pages: 2505 - 2510
Make Sure to Disable the Pop-Up Blocker of Web Browser
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