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Research Paper | Medicine Science | India | Volume 3 Issue 6, June 2014 | Popularity: 7.3 / 10
Study to Assess the Knowledge and Attitude towards Nursing Profession among School Teachers in Karad
Vaishali R. Mohite, Manisha C. Gholap, Mahesh B. Chendake
Abstract: Objectives are (1) To assess the knowledge & attitude of teachers towards nursing profession; (2) To find the association between knowledge and attitude towards nursing profession with selected demographic variables; (3) To find the co-relationship between knowledge and attitude towards nursing profession. Setting & Design: Colleges present in Karad city; Descriptive survey design. Methodology: Sample size is 557; Purposive Sampling Technique. Tool used are Part 1- Socio - demographic data Part 2- Knowledge questionnaire-13 Part 3- Attitude questionnaire -12. Coding; computing of data by excel & statistical analysis is done by Instat. Results: Mean; median of knowledge & attitude: 10.49; 11.00; And 31.84; 32. Demographic data: Age group 31-40yrs. - 150 (30.48 %). Sex Male-264 (47.39 %). Educational status- graduate-222 (39.85 %). Hindu religion-426 (76.48 %). Marital status-married-410 (73.60 %). Type of family- Joint-316 (56.73 %). place of residence- rural- 47 (44.34 %). Present post-Teacher-434 (77.91 %). Knowledge & attitude- correct response of the knowledge scale- 5845 (80.72 %) Grading of knowledge-excellent -298 (53.50 %). There is significant association with all selected demographic variables. Correlation coefficient- (r) =0.2282; coefficient of determination- (r squared) =0.05209The two tailed P value is < 0.0001; considered extremely significant. Conclusion- Overall knowledge is excellent & attitude positive. There is significant correlation between knowledge & attitude it indicate when knowledge increases attitude changes.
Keywords: knowledge, attitude, nursing, Karad, teachers
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 6, June 2014
Pages: 2295 - 2300
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