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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 6, June 2014 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
An Enhanced Web Mining Technique for Image Search using Weighted PageRank based on Visit of Links and Fuzzy K-Means Algorithm
Rashmi Sharma, Kamaljit Kaur
Abstract: Web mining is growing very rapidly. It extracts the rich information in the form of audio; video; content; links and images. The World Wide Web contains huge number of web pages and information available within web pages. When a user gives a query to the search engine; it generally returns a large amount of information in response to users query. To retrieve required information from Web pages; web mining performs various techniques. This paper proposed the hybrid technique of Weighted PageRank based on Visit of Links and Fuzzy K-Means algorithms which are applied on the search result. This paper described Fuzzy K-Means algorithm is used to group the given data-set into clusters and Weighted PageRank is used to re-rank the data according to the visit of links in the web pages. We have fetched the relevant information such as image links; images and total hyperlinks from a URL using the hybrid approach. Furthermore; we have done analysis on hybrid algorithms by applying valid parameters like execution time; recall; precision and f-measure.
Keywords: PageRank, Weighted PageRank, Weighted PageRank based on Visit of Links, K-Means and Fuzzy K-Means
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 6, June 2014
Pages: 2083 - 2089
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