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Research Paper | Electrical Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 6, June 2014 | Popularity: 6.5 / 10
Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Temperature Variation on Photovoltaic Cell and Efficiency Improvement by Water Cooling
Pawan Kumar Tiwari, P.B.L Chaurasia
Abstract: In this paper we studied the effect of temperature variation on the performance of photovoltaic cell parameter and efficiency improvement. This paper show the solar cell efficiency and performance by varying open circuit voltage (voc) ; short circuit current (Isc) ; and these parameter are responsible for solar cell performance changing. We investigated experimentally at different temperature range under constant radiation. Initially the short circuit current increase with temperature but as temperature increases then it decreases. The efficiency are directly related to open circuit voltage and open circuit current and show the photovoltaic cell performance. when we plot graph between temperature and efficiency then we saw initially temperature increases then efficiency increases but after at higher temperature it start decrease; so we need to improvement in efficiency at higher temperature range ; for this purpose we use a water cooling. it maintain the solar cell temperature and it improve efficiency of solar pv module.
Keywords: Solar cell, temperature, open circuit voltage, short circuit current, water sprinkle, efficiency
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 6, June 2014
Pages: 1661 - 1664
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