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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 6, June 2014 | Popularity: 6.2 / 10
Fuzzy Expert System for Migraine Analysis and Diagnosis
Vishal Chandra
Abstract: Fuzzy Logic is use to solve those type of problems in which the solution cannot be defined in rigid boundary either yes or no. Most of human disease can be determine with the help particular test or test value which guide people have the particular disease is yes or no. Migraine is not well known disease. Till today there is not permanent cure for migraine. There is no particular test which can determine migraine. That means only physical and psychological symptoms by which can determine migraine. Also symptoms vary from person to person. There is no rigid determination of migraine. There is no any kind of test available in the medical science which can determine migraine. Symptoms are vague property we cannot determine pain but we can determine its degree. There is no measurement for pain but with help of fuzzy logic we can measure the degree of symptoms or we can say there membership function in terms of fuzzy logic. That there is no crisp value can find in test of migraine. Symptoms give the idea of severity and condition of migraine. This expert system tries to determine and diagnose migraine using symptoms which are vague properties. Vague means things or properties that cannot measure in terms of crisp logic in other words there is no sharp boundary between yes or no. Migraine has many symptoms only symptoms on the basis of these symptoms we can determine the condition of migraine weather migraine is mild moderate and severe. I used matlab for solution of problem.
Keywords: Fuzzy Expert system, migraine, fuzzy, fuzzy logic, migraine diagnosis, symptoms of migraine
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 6, June 2014
Pages: 956 - 959
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