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Research Paper | Material Science and Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 6, June 2014 | Popularity: 6.9 / 10
Experimental Investigation of Tensile Properties of Banana Reinforced Epoxy Composites
Mohammed Khalifa, Santosh S Chappar
Abstract: In this paper; the experiments of tensile tests are carried out using banana fibre reinforced epoxy composite. Samples of banana fibre reinforced composites of different diameter used in this research. Fibres are of diameter 1mm; 2mm and 3mm in the form of yarns. And as the diameter of fibres (volume fraction) increases the tensile strength increases. From the obtained results the percentage elongation of banana reinforced epoxy composites is 9 %. And it is found that the stress is maximum if it is loaded along the length of the fiber and minimum value of stress when it is loaded perpendicular to the length of fiber. Finite element analysis using ANSYS software has showed that the differences of results obtained from these samples are not significant compared to experimental results. Definitely this shows the importance of this product and attracts many researchers for the improvement of this composite.
Keywords: Banana fibres, tensile Strength, Volume fraction, Natural fibres, yarns of banana fibers
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 6, June 2014
Pages: 832 - 836
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