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Research Paper | Chemistry | India | Volume 3 Issue 7, July 2014 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10
Qualitative and Microbiological Study on Vetiveria Lawsonii
Viji Saral Elezabeth D, Ramachandran P
Abstract: Objectives: Qualitative and Microbiological Study was aimed to appraise the antimicrobial activity of Vetiveria lawsonii of Poaceae family. Methods and Materials: The standard phytochemical extraction method of soxhlet extraction was used to prepare the extract of Vetiveria lawsonii from fresh pulverized material. The solvents used for the extraction were n-Hexane and chloroform. The qualitative screening of the plant was made by standard phytochemical methods proposed by Horbone. For the microbiological investigation, the Agar well diffusion method was used. Results: With the help of qualitative screening we found that Vetiveria lawsonii contains Flavonoids, Terpenoids, Saponins, Phytosterols, Proteins, Steroids and Anthocyanins. By the view of the microbiological investigation of extracts of Vetiveria lawsonii, we found out that n-Hexane extracts showed significant potential against the selected microbes. Conclusion: We conclude that the n-Hexane extracts of Vetiveria lawsonii showed significant potential against the selected microbes than chloroform extracts.
Keywords: Vetiveria lawsonii, n-Hexane, microbiological, Agar well diffusion method, Soxhlet extraction
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 7, July 2014
Pages: 556 - 558
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