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Research Paper | Education Management | India | Volume 3 Issue 7, July 2014 | Popularity: 6.1 / 10
Women Issues and Arya Samaj
Indu Bala
Abstract: The Arya samaj was a revivalist movement in its character. It took inspiration from the indigenous culture. The major concerns and social ideals of Arya Samaj are based on equality of the sexes, absolute justice and fair play between men and women and equal opportunities for all according to their nature, karma and merit. The leaders of Arya Samaj attacked child marriage, prohibition of widow re marriage, purdah. Dayanand found the solution to all the social abuses in the education of women. But the leaders of Arya samaj found it difficult to perceive the changed position of women outside the domain of domesticity. The Arya Samaj in the process of formation of ideas and their translation into action did not go beyond the prescription of the patriarchal frame work.
Keywords: social ideals of Arya Samaj, child marriage, widow remarriage, purdha system
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 7, July 2014
Pages: 549 - 552
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