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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Mechanical Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 5, May 2014 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
Molten Metal Flow Analysis of Housing Component
Bodhayana M. R., N Ramesha
Abstract: Die casting is a versatile manufacturing technique in which molten metal is poured into die. The die consists of core and cavity; an impression is formed when these core and cavity are closed together. This impression forms the shape and size of the component. The main challenge in die casting is design and manufacturing of die. Integration of design and analysis yields to better results. Die casting is often encountered with many problems; few of such problems are blowholes; improper filling; scratch marks; weld lines; cracks; cold shut; porosity; blisters; ejector pin marks; etc. usually these defects are caused due to improper design of dies; or due to incorrect parameters such as injection pressure; cycle time; cooling circuits and other such parameters. In order to eliminate such defects a set of analysis has to be carried to ensure that design and other parameters are safe and efficient. Through analysis is carried to understand how the molten metal behaves inside the dies once it is injected; a clear picture about how the molten metal gets solidified is obtained during analysis. Any defects if present can be studied by analyzing the results of analysis. In this paper pro cast analysis software is used for analysis purpose; the flow of molten metal inside the impression was studied and changes to be made to the design were analyzed. Behavior of molten metal at different stages of time such as temperature variations; pressure variations is studied. Different graphs are plotted to study the behavior inside the dies.
Keywords: Flow simulation, Solidification, Aluminum die casting, Pressure, Temperature analysis, Die casting, Pro-cast
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 5, May 2014
Pages: 1636 - 1639
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