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Research Paper | Biology | India | Volume 3 Issue 5, May 2014 | Popularity: 6.9 / 10
A Statistical Analysis of CATH; SCOP and FSSP Databases
Manish Kumar, Ajay Prakash
Abstract: There are so many databases available for protein structure classification like CATH; SCOP; and FSSP. Databases promote keyword search; sequence search; navigation; hierarchy classification; and external online links. However we have found that these databases are not consistent in determining which classes of proteins belong to the same family. Some proteins have been put in the same class despite the fact they have less robust relationship. It is essential for the available classification system to be compared and examine the classes to determine which proteins remain in the same family. Identification of the biochemical function of protein based on its structure and sequence poses several challenges in this post-genomic era. The shear amount of research being carried in the genomics field has resulted in most sequences characterized for a function; which is normally annotated as hypothetical. In this study; we have done a statistical analysis of protein structure classification databases based on its sequence; structure and function.
Keywords: CATH, SCOP, FSSP, PDB, family, superfamily
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 5, May 2014
Pages: 1586 - 1589
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