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Research Paper | Psychology Science | India | Volume 3 Issue 5, May 2014 | Popularity: 6.2 / 10
A Study on Perception of Married Women towards Domestic Violence in Boginadi Block of Lakhimpur District; Assam
Sri Surajit Borah, Ishmi Rekha Handique Konwar
Abstract: Domestic violence means violence against children; older people; spouses and other members of the family; which can be of different types like; physical; verbal; social and emotional. Domestic violence can be against any one at home or family including all the members i. e male; female; elderly and children. Women are pivot around which the family; the society and humanity itself revolves. They play a significant and prominent role in the development of a society. The purpose of this study is to study the married womens awareness about domestic violence and also to identify the different factors that lead to domestic violence. This paper will provide the different data related to perception of married women on domestic violence; and also help to understand the types of domestic violence; its promoting factors and also awareness on present legislations and institutions that protect them from domestic violence. The study was conducted in the Boginadi Block of Lakhimpur district; Assam.
Keywords: Violence, Domestic Violence, Perception, Awareness, Married Woman
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 5, May 2014
Pages: 332 - 334
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