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Research Paper | Chemistry | Indonesia | Volume 3 Issue 5, May 2014 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10
Synthesis of Nanogold and Stability Test of This Colloidal as Essential Material in Drug; Supplement and Cosmetics
Titik Taufikurohmah, Rusmini, IGusti Made Sanjaya, Afaf Baktir, Achmad Syahrani
Abstract: Nanogold has been used in cosmetics material as anti-aging and sunscreen. Nanogoldwasan activity to reduction free radical. Nanogold reduced wrinkles and aging; support tissue connecting; increase cell proliferation and increase collagen biosynthesis. Nanogold used essential drug material at degenerate deses for example cancer; diabetes mellitus; tumor and ect. This research purposedto synthesis of nanogoldand analysis of stability nanogold colloidal. Nanogold synthesis used glycerin as matrix. The value of stability thenanogold colloidal to be analysis at 6 weeks with 5; 10; 15; 20; 25 and 30 ppm of concentration. The results of the research; the stability ofnanogold colloidal occur after 5 weeks at 5; 10; 15; 20 and 25 ppm. Nanogold colloidal at 30 ppm of concentration was not stabile; becausethere aggregation. Conclude that nanogold colloidal with 5; 10; 15; 20 and 25 ppm of concentration are recommended as support material in drug; supplement; and cosmetics.
Keywords: nanogold, synthesis, stability, drug, supplement, cosmetics
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 5, May 2014
Pages: 60 - 63
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