International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Medicine Science | India | Volume 3 Issue 4, April 2014 | Rating: 7 / 10


Occupational Stress and Job Satisfaction among Nurses

Apeksha Gulavani, Mahadeo Shinde

Abstract: Job related stress and job dissatisfaction are becoming increasingly large disorder among nurses. Stress and job satisfaction has a cost for individual in term of health and well-being and for organization in term of absenteeism and turnover which is in directly affecting quality of care provided to the patient. OBJECTIVES- To assess occupational stress and job satisfaction among nurses working in tertiary care hospitals and to find out correlation between occupational stress and job satisfaction among nurses. Methodology: Descriptive study design was used with explorative research approach, study sample was 100 nurses selected by Convenient sampling technique. Results: maximum 88 %of nurses were working as staff nurses, 54 % were in age group of 21to30 years, being female with sex 86 % and 57 %were married whereas maximum 45 % with no child. maximum 60 % nurses were with professional education of RGNM, 51 %were having below 5 years of experience and 68 % belong nuclear family with maximum 35 % were having more than three dependent member in their family. Majority of nurses reported there is frequent occurrence of stress associated with Uncertainty by concerning treatment (49 %), Dealing with patient and families (48 %), workload (59 %), Conflict with doctors (49 %), Death and dying (50 %), Conflict with supervisors (52 %). where as Inadequate emotional preparation (68 %), Discrimination (48 %), Conflict with peers (53 %) as occasionally stress inducing causes as reported by nurses. Participant reported only average satisfaction with compensation (63 %) and independence (54 %). Participants have reported high level of satisfaction almost in all reinforcing factors namely Ability utilization (83 %), Achievement (77 %), Activity (60 %) advancement (59 %), Authority (79 %), Hospital policy (62 %), Co-workers (79 %), Creativity (67 %), , Security (65 %), Social service (89 %), Social status (75 %), Moral value (75 %), Recognition (68 %), Responsibility (72 %), Supervision human relation (54 %), Variety (71 %), Working condition ( 79 %). but in case of compensation (63 %) and independence (54 %) they have reported only average level of job satisfaction. CONCLUSION: There was no significant association found between occupational stress, job satisfaction and age, sex, professional education, year of experience. Specific measure to reduce stress of nurse associated with frequently occurring causes and measures to improve job satisfaction associated with compensation and independence will be helpful to improve performance of the nurses.

Keywords: occupation, stress, job satisfaction, nurses, hospital

Edition: Volume 3 Issue 4, April 2014

Pages: 733 - 740

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