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Research Paper | Ecology | Indonesia | Volume 3 Issue 4, April 2014 | Popularity: 6.5 / 10
Characteristics, Morphometry and Spatial Distribution of Populations of Subterranean Termites Macrotermes Gilvus. Hagen (Isoptera: Termitidae) in the Rubber Plantation Land Habitat Which Managed Without Pesticides and Chemical Fertilizers
Zainal Arifin., Zulkifli Dahlan., Sabaruddin., Chandra Irsan., Yusuf Hartono
Abstract: Found 39 termite mound nests in a variety of sizes in the land of rubber plantation covering approximately 2 acres, which is administered without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Do the location and size of the nest census for mapping the spatial distribution of nests. Termite sampled randomly for identification, morphometry. Physico - chemical of soil conditions such as temperature, pH and humidity ( Rh) of land are measured. In dryland ecosystems, such as rubber plantations, the role of termites in nutrient cycling is important, because the ground surface covered by litter dropping dead leaves and twigs of the plant rubber. Land conservation practices carried out in land management, such as the omission of the rubber plant falls on the surface of the soil, without the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. The purpose of the study to identify the significance of a rubber plantation land resources due to the presence of subterranean termites, such as the suitability of habitat for species of termites that build nests. Additionally soil termites Macrotermes gilvus ( Hagen) is an important decomposers in litter decomposition in arid land, therefore need to know the characteristics, morphometry and spatial distribution of species populations. Nest distribution ( population) is important to know availability of land as habitat for termites. Therefore, the study and discussion of the above is done.
Keywords: spatial distribution, characteristics, morphometry, Macrotermes gilvus Hagen rubber plantation
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 4, April 2014
Pages: 102 - 106
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