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Research Paper | Geography | India | Volume 6 Issue 1, January 2017 | Popularity: 6.5 / 10
Literacy Transition in Scheduled Caste Population: A Study of Rural Haryana
Vishal Singh
Abstract: The study examines the trend of literacy and gap in literacy between male-female (1991 to 2011) in comparative mode between Haryana and India at the level of scheduled caste population (sc) in rural area. The study also analysis the spatial pattern of literacy as well as gender disparity in literacy at district level in Haryana. Correlation between literacy and other selected indicators, also find out. The study reveals that rural literacy rate in sc is remaining high in Haryana from India at all levels (total, male and female) during the entire time period (1991-2011) and its growth rate is recorded very high and almost same in both at all levels during the successive censuses. Gap in literacy between male-female is decreased eight per cent in Haryana and six per cent in India during the entire time period however, it is high almost 20 per cent in both at current time. Sirsa, Fatehabad, Kaithal, Hisar, Jind and Karnal have low literacy while all central, south-west and southern districts (except Gurgaon and Rohtak) have high gender disparity in literacy.
Keywords: comparative trend and gender gap in literacy, spatial pattern, gender disparity and Correlation Matrix
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 1, January 2017
Pages: 2070 - 2075
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