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Research Paper | Pediatrics | Nepal | Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
Knowledge and Practice Regarding Colostrums Feeding to Newborn among Reproductive Age Group (15-49) Years Women
Manoj Prasad Kushwaha, Bindu G. C., Binisha Sinha
Abstract: Background & Objective Breastfeeding and colostrum remains the best food for the baby from the time immemorial. Thus, this study aims to assess the knowledge and practice regarding colostrum feeding among reproductive age group women. Materials & Method A descriptive cross-sectional study with 157 reproductive age group women was carried out in Ward No 2 of Tilottama Municipality. Consecutive Sampling Technique using pre-tested self-prepared interview schedule was used for the data collection. Collected data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics Results The study revealed that about 45 % of the respondents belong to age group (26-35) years. Majority (90.4 %) of the respondents were following Hindu religion. About 41 % of the respondents were Brahmins. Nearly 71 % of the respondents were house-makers and 75 % were living in joint family. Majority (91 %) was literate and more than half of the respondents had 2 children. About 77 % of the children were born at hospital and about 75 % of the respondents had spontaneous vaginal delivery. The main sources of information about colostrum feeding were media, relatives, institutional delivery and friend. Nearly 87 % of the respondents fed colostrum to their baby. The knowledge and practice regarding colostrum feeding was found to be better among mothers whose mode of delivery was spontaneous vaginal delivery and place of delivery was institution. Conclusion The study concluded that the respondent had the adequate knowledge and practice regarding colostrum feeding. There are the different factors responsible for colostrum feeding practices like educating women and making them aware about the importance of colostrum feeding, family encouragement, health assistance, and awareness from different medias.
Keywords: Knowledge, practice, colostrum feeding
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017
Pages: 1034 - 1037
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