International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Sociology | India | Volume 8 Issue 5, May 2019

Crossing Caste & Religious in the Modern Indian Marriage Market

Kumari Ranjan Lata | Suryavansh Singh

Abstract: Marriage involves the union of two individuals who decide to live in an intimate relationship through their life. In India all caste groups are thought to share an equally strong preference for endogamy. Marriage with in the same caste means that both the boy and girl belong to the same community. Inter-Caste marriage means girl and boy from different castes. The Caste, Creed and Culture are the three most important elements, which are kept on the high priority list. When God created men and women, he has not assigned any caste on them. So how can the human beings divide gods, created world into caste and communities. However, couples with a more educated mother of the husband have a significantly higher probability of being in an inter-caste marriage. The analysis was carried out for different variables applying t-test and chi-square test. Customs and religious practiced were so strict and merciless that even sometimes the boy and girl were hacked to death by their parents due to the pressure from the society. Today, in Indian society, though we can see inter-caste marriages, but mostly it is the part of the city culture. The rural parts of the country still have a long way to go.

Keywords: Marriage, Changing Trends, Inter-caste Marriage, Relations

Edition: Volume 8 Issue 5, May 2019,

Pages: 318 - 320

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