International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Agronomy | Kenya | Volume 4 Issue 9, September 2015 | Rating: 6.7 / 10


Adoption of Cassava Production Technology in the Central Rift Valley Province Kenya

Ndiema Alice Chesambu

Abstract: Cassava (Manihot esculenta) is the third largest source of carbohydrates for human consumption and is ranked third among the root crops in Kenya. In the tropical countries it is ranked third in the value of production after sugarcane and rice. Cassava has a carbohydrate content which is about 40 % higher than that of rice and 25 % more than that of maize. It is an important crop in Arid and Semi-Arid lands (ASAL) of Kenya due to its ability to adapt well to soils with low contents of nutrient and areas with poor rainfall ( 700 mm per annum). Farming of cassava in Kenya has been practiced for many years without it being viewed as an important crop for food security due to the introduction of exotic crops in the farming system. In order to address these shortcomings, a participatory research approach method that would enable the farmers to share, enhance, and analyze their knowledge on cassava together with the scientists was adopted in this research exercise. Farmers in the four districts of the province have not as yet found an alternative crop that can tolerate drought. Baseline data on cassava was initiated by scientists and stakeholders during the centre research advisory committee (CRAC) meeting with farmers in Central Rift Valley province of Kenya in 2004, with the additional aims of identifying constraints and assessing farmers perception to cassava farming for food security. In this research, a questionnaire was administered to one hundred and seventeen (117) farmers in the four districts of the Central Rift Valley Province namely, Nakuru, Kericho, Bureti and Bomet. The study showed that 21.07 % of the cassava farmers in the province were from Nakuru, 22.22 % from Kericho, 45.02 % from Bureti and 11.69 % from Bomet. The study further revealed that there were more men (59.06 %) respondents involved in cassava farming than women (40.93 %). Evidence of diffusion of cassava production was apparent from the higher numbers of farmers participating in the cultivation of cassava the project. Demonstrations were carried out in all the four districts, from selection of the appropriate cassava planting to the final utilization of its products. Lessons learned by the farmers included cooking (19.7 %), correct planting method (42.7 %) and value addition (26.5 %). Seventeen percent (17.1 %) of the farmers involved in this exercise were first time participants. A notable improvement was recorded in Kericho district where 38.89 % of the participants were women compared to 0 % when the project started four years earlier. In addition the farmers were also exposed to different methods of management of cassava farming, including production and multiplication of suitable clean planting materials. Participatory research, adoption, cassava technology

Keywords: Participatory research, adoption, cassava technology

Edition: Volume 4 Issue 9, September 2015

Pages: 2046 - 2049

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