International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Ophthalmology | India | Volume 2 Issue 10, October 2013 | Rating: 7.2 / 10


Infectious Keratitis in Present Scenario

Pervez Ahemed Siddiqui, Sarita Pandre

Abstract: The purpose of the study is to have an overview of infectious keratitis in relation to its etiopathogenesis and visual recovery. The present study was conducted in 150 cases during the academic session 2010-2013. The patient were analyzed in accordance with demographic profile, predisposing factor, microbiological status of patient in reference to 10 % KOH, grams stain, culture sensitivity and treatment advised in accordance with the diagnosis of the patient. Result- During analysis following data were deduced, 78 %, 54 %, 14 % and 5 % had bacterial, fungal, viral and mixed flora respectively It was noted that patients involved in agriculture activity or those suffering from trauma inflicted with vegetative material had more risk of developing microbial keratitis that is 66 %. Overall culture was positive in 18 % of bacterial and mixed infection whereas only 9 % of fungal keratitis clinically diagnosed, had culture positivity, whereas viral keratitis was diagnosed clinically only, who showed adequate responses to antiviral treatment. In bacterial keratitis surgical intervention was required in 11.53 %, BCL in 14.4 %, Perforation occurs in 28.8 %, whereas it healed in 89.41 % and conjunctival hooding in 5.7 %. In fungal keratitis 41.65 %, 20.7 %, 62.4 % and 54.16 % respectively and in viral keratitis 16.66 % require surgery, 83.32 % healed, BCL in 16.66 %, 33 % pthisical in viral. Conclusion Study shows bacterial keratitis is more common than fungal & viral with male predominance in younger age. trauma by vegetative material or injury is most common risk factor, final diagnosis based on risk factor, clinical feature, response to treatment. Viral keratitis diagnosed clinically. Bacterial keratitis has better prognosis than fungal and viral.

Keywords: microbial keratitis, microbiological sensitivity pattern and treatment outcome

Edition: Volume 2 Issue 10, October 2013

Pages: 97 - 99

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