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Research Paper | Electronics & Communication Engineering | India | Volume 2 Issue 12, December 2013 | Popularity: 6.5 / 10
Autonomous Online Expansion for the Environmental Applications
Shweta S. Badgi, N. A. Dawande
Abstract: In modern greenhouses, several measurement points are required to note down the local climate parameters in different parts of the big greenhouse to make the greenhouse automation system work properly. This paper presents design and development of environmental applications monitoring using ARM7 and ZigBee. For sensing different environmental parameter, a sensor node is developed which has feature of wireless communication using ZigBee trans-receiver. The data sensed by the sensor is digitized by internal ADCs of LPC2138 microcontroller. The microcontroller LPC2138 executes very fast with low power consumption. In this paper we are using the autonomous expansion of the system i. e if one slave which is not in the range of the master but it is in the range of the slave which is in turn is in the range of the master then its contents will be accessible by the master unit. Here we are using different types of sensors such as temperature, light and humidity. We are using ZigBee wireless sensor network as a communication platform for real-time monitoring. This paper summarizes an idea that can be carried out to provide an efficient control mechanism greenhouse through the implementation of an infrastructure of Wireless Sensors Network to control environmental parameters.
Keywords: WSN, ARM7, Zig Bee, greenhouse monitoring
Edition: Volume 2 Issue 12, December 2013
Pages: 9 - 13
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