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Research Paper | Mechanical Engineering | India | Volume 2 Issue 7, July 2013 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10
Thermal analysis of Helical Baffle in Heat Exchanger
Mayank Vishwakarma, K. K. Jain
Abstract: An attempt made to decrease the pressure drop and to increase the heat transfer and the ratio of heat transfer and pressure drop in shell and tube type heat exchanger by tilting the baffle angle up to which we get the minimum pressure drop. This study however, considers shell and tube type heat exchanger with the aid of computer programming. It involves developing a simple user-friendly computer programme for the heat transfer calculations and ensures that the computational time is kept minimal. Analysis has been done in shell and tube type heat exchanger at shell side. It analyzes the conventional segmental baffle heat exchanger using the Kerns method with fixed shell side flow rates and varied volume flow rate. Since Kern method used in design of heat exchangers with a baffle cut of 25 % (fixed). The thermal analysis of helical baffle heat exchanger using this method give us clear idea that the ratio of heat transfer coefficient per unit pressure drop is maximum in helical baffle heat exchanger as compared to segmental baffle heat exchanger.
Keywords: Shell and tube heat exchanger, helical angle, pressure drop, heat transfer, ratio of heat transfer and pressure drop, Kerns method, baffle cut of 25 %
Edition: Volume 2 Issue 7, July 2013
Pages: 251 - 254
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