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Experimental Result Paper | Computer Science | India | Volume 12 Issue 11, November 2023 | Rating: 4.7 / 10
Reliable and Secure Congestion Aware Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network
Neelufar S, Sangeetha D S
Abstract: Mobile adhoc networks sense various kinds of information, process them locally and communicate it to the outside world via Internet. In the near future, sensor networks will play a major role in collecting and disseminating information from the fields where ordinary networks are unreachable for various environmental and strategically reasons. Hence it is increasingly likely that sensors will be shared by multiple applications and gather heterogeneous data of different priorities. With such concentration on mobile adhoc networks, vital issues like security and congestion control are to be taken care of. We propose Secure Congestion Aware Routing protocol (RSCARP), a protocol designed for resolving congestion by dedicating a portion of network to forward high-priority traffic primarily and also satisfies the major security properties like data authentication, data secrecy, replay protection, freshness with low energy consumption which are the major factors affecting the mobile adhoc networks.
Keywords: Congestion Aware Routing, Mobile adhoc networks and routing optimization
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 11, November 2023,
Pages: 966 - 970