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Case Studies | Pathology | India | Volume 11 Issue 7, July 2022 | Rating: 4.1 / 10
Sclerotic Glomus Tumor of Little Finger Pulp - A Diagnostic Dilemma
St Author Kavita Mardi Nd, Tenzin Lhanze Dingyon
Abstract: Glomus tumors are benign, vascular neoplasms arising from the glomus body. Although they can develop in any part of the body, they commonly occur in the upper extremities, most frequently subungual areas. [1] Their occurrence in pulp of the finger is are and account for approximately 10% of these tumors. [2] Here we report a 38 year old male who presented with painful tiny nodule measuring 4mm in diameter in the pulp of right little finger. He also gave history of intense pain, cold sensitivity, and severe tenderness to palpation of the pulp. On Histopathological and immunohistochemistry a diagnosis of Sclerotic glomus tumor was made.
Keywords: Glomus, Tumor, Dilemma
Edition: Volume 11 Issue 7, July 2022,
Pages: 436 - 438