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Research Paper | Home Science | India | Volume 11 Issue 11, November 2022 | Rating: 5.2 / 10
Intermittent Fasting
Tarandeep Kaur
Abstract: Fasting enhances the energy in removing waste from the blood and detoxifying the body. Fasting promotes creativity and improves peace and contentment. Most citizens in western age have unhealthy, sedentary lifestyles that do not include such regular exercise. Sedentary behaviour and three meals a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks in between) frequently result in metabolism illness, which can cause a variety of disorders that people are incapable of. In such scenarios, the notion of intermittent fasting must have gained tremendous popularity around the world. Intermittent fasting (IF) is more of a refectory pattern than a diet that must be adhered to. In general, IF is a diet in which a person can fast for a set number of hours, usually more than 12 hours, and then eat for the meantime while. The objective of this review paper is to summarise and bring out the fruitful wellness benefits of Intermittent Fasting that have shown clinical results from human studies. IF can be used to generate unique strategies to weight loss, inflammation reduction, skin disease minimisation and prevention, metabolic swapping, diabetes prevention and maintenance, maintaining insulin levels and increasing insulin sensitivity, cardiovascular disease and stroke prevention and treatment, wound healing, boosting the immune system, promoting autophagy, and helping to treat neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease. Weight loss is connected with improved health outcomes such as Cholesterol, LDL, Blood pressure, Blood Sugar, and insulin when daily food intake is restricted.
Keywords: Obesity, Health, Weight Loss, Heart Disease, Fasting, Skin & Autophagy
Edition: Volume 11 Issue 11, November 2022,
Pages: 219 - 223