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Case Studies | Political Science | Somalia | Volume 11 Issue 10, October 2022 | Rating: 4.7 / 10
Media under Dictatorship: The Case of Somalia
Abdulkadir Mohamed Diesow
Abstract: The prime objective of this article is to emphasise how the flow of information, press freedom as well as freedom of expression was ignored and how the Somali people were deprived their rights during the reign of dictator Siyad Barre. During the dictatorship there was not any single private media, media was the property of the government and journalists were civil servants.
Keywords: press freedom, freedom of expression, rights, dictator, media, journalists, foreign newspapers, magazines, headlines, military rulers, revolution, parliamentary democracy, post-independence
Edition: Volume 11 Issue 10, October 2022,
Pages: 1059 - 1068