International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Nursing | India | Volume 11 Issue 10, October 2022 | Rating: 4.6 / 10

A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Health Education on Knowledge Regarding Prevention of Home Accidents among Mothers of Preschooler in Selected Community Area of Dehradun, Uttarakhand

Negi Megha | Dixit Kamlesh

Abstract: Accidents are undoubtedly among the chief causes of morbidity and mortality. Accidents are the main cause of injury and even death in children. People only relate accidents to traffic accident or accidents in outdoor activities. However, as a matter of fact, the place where people regard as the safest place-home-hides many hazards. The main cause of home accident is general negligence of safety at home. No matter how loving and careful you are, it's impossible to shield your children from all of life's little injuries. But by taking some important precautions, you can help ensure your child avoids serious home accidents. The incidents of accidental injury are increasing in India especially home accident in children; hence the knowledge of mothers is essential for undertaking measures to prevent them. A quantitative research approach was used to assess the knowledge level of mothers of pre-schooler. The research design selected was pre experiment one group pre-test post-test design, non-probability sampling technique was used and sample size was 60. The study was conducted at Soda Saroli village Raipur Dehradun. The conceptual framework was based on Nola Pander health promotion modal. The self-structured questionnaire used as a tool for data collection. Reliability is 0.75. The collected data was analyzed and interpreted by using descriptive and inferential statistics by the help of SPSS software. The frequency and percentage distribution of mothers depicts that the majority (42%) of subjects are of above 30 age, (30%) are of 26-30 age and remaining (28%) are of 21-25 age. All the samples are 60 in numbers out of which maximum percentage (38%) of subjects are having educations up to high school level, (28%) up to Intermediate, (25%) up to primary level, (3%) are graduates and no one is illiterate. After the intervention post-test level of knowledge score 53.3% of mothers are having average level of knowledge, 46.7% of them having good level of knowledge, none of them are having poor level of knowledge. In 60 samples majority (81.7%) of mothers had good knowledge regarding prevention of home accidents in children. The present study concluded that majority of mothers had poor knowledge on prevention of home accidents and health education was effective in improving the knowledge of mothers how to prevent home accidents of preschoolers and what are the safety measures they can take after accidents.

Keywords: Prevention of Home Accidents, Preschooler, Health Education

Edition: Volume 11 Issue 10, October 2022,

Pages: 820 - 823

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