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Research Paper | Education Management | Nigeria | Volume 10 Issue 9, September 2021 | Rating: 5 / 10
Knowledge - Use of Technology and Teachers' Professional Development as Correlates of Successful Intelligence among Students with Physio - Emotional Disability
Udoye Ngozi T., Onukafor Uchechukwu Mary P.
Abstract: This research examined teachers? professional development and knowledge of technology as correlates of perceived successful intelligence among students with physio - emotional disability. Successful intelligence is that knowledge which helps adult citizens, given their ability, to be effective and self - reliant in their given society. Animated, mobile and recreational appliances constituted the technologies in the study. Mixed methods of correlational and quasi - experimental designs were employed for the study, using teachers? and students? factors. Students with physical and emotional disabilities in the Education Zones of Nnewi and Onitsha in Anambra State, and Oji River in Enugu State were specific targeted population samples. The nature of the study prevailed on the researchers to use convenience sampling technique to select the studied population (N = 64). Categories of spinal bifida = 11%, cerebral palsy = 16%, visual impairment = 20%, hearing impairment = 23% and other 30% comprised the sample. Findings revealed a negative correlation between teachers? professional qualifications and students? perceived successful intelligence attainment (r = - .774, N = 64, p - value <.000). The researchers also found that boys with disability were more interactive than girls, and believing that their education assures successful intelligence upon graduation. More analyses revealed that 83% of the students did not see their physical or emotional disability as impediment to successful intelligence, while 17% believed that their disability would hamper them in contributing to and benefiting from the society. The researchers? major recommendation is that teachers should be trained to use students? defined technology in their professional development, in order to train students with disability in successful intelligence.
Keywords: knowledge, Teacher, Professional Development, Disability
Edition: Volume 10 Issue 9, September 2021,
Pages: 1453 - 1459