Rate the Article: Effect of Six Months of Naturopathy Practice on Psychological Parameters in Hypothyroid Patients, IJSR, Call for Papers, Online Journal
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Biochemistry | India | Volume 9 Issue 3, March 2020 | Rating: 6.4 / 10

Effect of Six Months of Naturopathy Practice on Psychological Parameters in Hypothyroid Patients

Ranjna Chawla, Rukamani Nair, Somnath Mukherjee

Abstract: In Hypothyroid patients effect of Naturopathy modalities i. e. massage, steam bath, neck and abdomen packs, was seen on quality of life [WHO-QOL-BREF (WHO quality of life Brief version)], depression [BDI-II (Beck Depression Inventory) and sleep quality [ PSQI (Pittsburgh sleep quality index)] at baseline, three and six months. Quality of life for physical and psychological domain was statistically significant in Naturopathy group (p≤0.001) after 3 and 6 months. Depression score in both groups demonstrated significant, within group improvement (p=0.003 for group I and p=0.000 for group II at 6 months) and between group improvement in Naturopathy group as compared to control group after 6 months (p=0.000). At baseline, quality of sleep in control group was better as compared to naturopathy group (p= 0.000) but after 6 months it improved significantly in Naturopathy group as compared to control group (p=0.000). In both groups fT4 increased (p=0.001 for control and p=0.003 for Naturopathy group) and TSH decreased (p=0.000). TSH levels in Naturopathy group were found to be within Physiological range. Naturopathy helps to manage sleep, depression and quality of life in a better way.

Keywords: Hypothyroidism, Naturopathy, WHO quality of life WHO-QOL, Beck Depression Inventory BDI-II, Pittsburgh sleep quality index PSQI

Edition: Volume 9 Issue 3, March 2020,

Pages: 546 - 552

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