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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 9, September 2014 | Rating: 6.3 / 10
Implementation of Load Balance Algorithm in Cloud Computing
Jenia Sagar, Lekha Bhambhu
Abstract: In the cloud environment, the multiple virtual machines handle the request and respond to the users. As the main concept of Cloud computing is to provide services efficiently, should be available at right time and consume fewer resources. The concurrent access of services load the servers and go down for the mean time which is not the aim to of the cloud computing. So there should be the provision of the load balancer which balance the services by analyzing the resources of each virtual machine or VS and allocate the load to particular VM. Load balancing is a core and challenging issue in Cloud Computing. How to use Cloud computing resources efficiently and gain the maximum profits which can be efficient load balancing algorithm. The load balancing aim is to maximize throughput, minimize response time and avoid overload of any one of the resources.
Keywords: Concurrent, Load Balancer, VM, Throughput, VS
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 9, September 2014,
Pages: 1684 - 1687