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Masters Thesis | Nursing | India | Volume 13 Issue 2, February 2024 | Rating: 5.4 / 10
Effectiveness of Helfer Skin Tap Technique in Reducing Pain during Intra Muscular Injection among Adult Patients Admitted in IGMC, Shimla, HP
Priyanka Thakur, Sunita Verma
Abstract: Background: In the medical practice, intramuscular (IM) injection is one of the most frequent procedure done every day. Ms Joanne Helfer made an attempt to alleviate pain due to intramuscular injection by developing, ?Helfer Skin Tapping technique? in which tapping of the skin over the injection site is done before administering IM injection. Mechanical stimulation which is given by tapping, can diminishes the influence of small, pain carrying fibers. Objective: Effectiveness of Helfer Skin Tap Technique in reducing pain during intra - muscular Diclofenac sodium injection among adult patients was assessed. Methods and materials: The true experimental design was used with sample size of 60 admitted patients in selected wards of IGMC, Shimla, HP. Random sampling method was used. The tool consisting of socio - demographic variables, Numeric Pain Rating Scale was prepared. Intramuscular injection was administered to experimental group with Helfer Skin Tap Technique and with standard technique to control group. Pain level was assessed using Numeric Pain Rating Scale. Statistical analysis was done. Result: In experimental group mean pain score was 1.70 whereas, in control group mean score was 4.00. Standard deviation of experimental group score was 1.368 and of control group was 1.462. The ?t? value of unpaired test score was 6.291 which was significant at the level of 0.05. In experimental group, the calculated Chi square was 16.26, which shows significant association between the level of pain score of experimental group and frequency of injection administration. Conclusion: The study findings showed that the Helfer Skin Tap Technique was effective than the Routine Technique during administering Intra Muscular Injection.
Keywords: Intramuscular Injection, Diclofenac Sodium Injection, Pain, Helfer Skin Tap Technique, Effectiveness
Edition: Volume 13 Issue 2, February 2024,
Pages: 814 - 817