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Research Paper | Accounting | Rwanda | Volume 7 Issue 10, October 2018 | Rating: 7.2 / 10
Effect of Tendering Processes on Procurement Performance in Government Ministries in Rwanda; A Case of Rwanda's Ministry of Infrastructure
Moses Tumwine, Dr. Patrick Mulyungi
Abstract: Some government institutions which practice lengthy bureaucratic procurement process with discriminatory tendencies in award of tenders consequently leading to poor performance or failure of public projects such as Kalisimbi project and Methane Kivu. The general objective of the study is to examine the effect of tendering processes on procurement performance in government ministries in Rwanda. Descriptive research designs researcher was used frequencies and percentages. The target population for this study included all procurement managers and officers in different departments that comprise MININFRA. The target population for the study is 140 individuals. A sample size of 104 respondents was determined from a total population of 140 individuals using the formula by Yamane. Primary data was collected fresh from the field through use of interviews and questionnaires. Tender solicitation process, Bid evaluation process, approval process and contracts award and administration process contribute the procurement performance, where (R=0.953). This implies that tender solicitation process, Bid evaluation process, approval process and contracts award and administration process have positive contribution on procurement performance. ANOVA results further show explains procurement performance. The sig value (0.000) less than the level significance (0.05). The F-statistics (F=214.135) is far greater than the P-value (0.000). Using linear regression analysis from SPSS data bases, shows that Tender solicitation process, Bid evaluation process, approval process and contracts award and administration process were significant with (sig=0.000 and 0.001 this means that all variables influence the procurement performance. Among the findings, tender solicitation process positively and significantly influence procurement performance in Rwandas ministry of infrastructure although results of a standard multiple regression analysis conducted on the variable do not reach significant levels in terms of contribution to variance in procurement performance. Government should be an investigation into the effect of the tender solicitation since results from multiple regression analysis reveal that this variable does not reach statistical significance in terms of influencing procurement performance. The bid evaluation process should make use of competent skilled personnel in procurement as the study findings reveal that use of skilled competent personnel boosts procurement performance in public institutions.
Keywords: Rwanda's Ministry of Infrastructure
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 10, October 2018,
Pages: 760 - 763