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Research Paper | Information Technology | Philippines | Volume 7 Issue 3, March 2018 | Rating: 7.2 / 10
Assessment of the Digital Literacy of Agency Authorized Officers and Electronic File Handlers of GSIS Cagayan de Oro
Crystal Sylvette Lavender Palacio-Raro, Dr. Maria Angeles Dano-Hinosolango
Abstract: Digital Literacy is becoming an essential skill in delivering quality and relevant service to public. The Philippine government is cognizant of the powers of e-government and to ensure the success of e-government, a digitally literate workforce is a key factor. This paper attempts to assess the digital literacy skills of the Agency Authorized Officers (AAOs) and Electronic Remittance File (ERF) Handlers of the Government Service Insurance System. These are government personnel designated by their own government office as GSIS loan approver, updating of GSIS premiums and loans and remittances of payments. All of these tasks are done electronically. This study was conducted at GSIS Cagayan de Oro Branch from December 2017 to February 2018. Using an adapted questionnaire, it intended to assess the level of Digital Literacy in the areas of Technical, Cognitive and Social Emotional Dimensions basing on Ngs (2012) framework of Digital Literacy. Data collected were analyzed using frequency, mean and standard deviation. It also made use of researcher-made questionnaire to gather the clients feedback with regards to their assigned job performance. The results indicate that the subject government employees regularly use digital tools such as the word processing, excel, email, social media and web based systems. In terms of Technical dimension, they perceive themselves independent users and can accomplish many tasks with the digital tools. In terms of Social -Emotional Dimension, they assess themselves has have good engagement with other users online. However, in terms of Cognitive Dimension, results suggests that they lack cybersecurity awareness and critical thinking skills in terms of handling digital information and evaluating information. Despite this, the digital literacy of the AAOs and ERF Handlers work performance were considered to be very satisfactory by their constituents. Thus, it can be surmised that while the respondent-government employees are technically capable to handle digital tools and can manage themselves online, the GSIS and other Philippine government agencies should look into conducting trainings in terms of cybersecurity as it is impinges on the normal operation of the countrys vital information and communication infrastructure.
Keywords: Digital Literacy, ICT, Computer Literacy, Digital Competency
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 3, March 2018,
Pages: 1805 - 1810