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Research Paper | Nursing | Indonesia | Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017 | Rating: 6.7 / 10
Determinant Factors toward Exclusive Breast Feeding to Infants
La Jumu
Abstract: The granting of exclusive breast milk in Indonesia reached only 67% of the total babies. Based on Demographic and Health Survey Indonesia (SDKI) in 2006-2007 Purpose To identify mother's milk knowledge factors, the myths of breastfeeding attitudes and support the husband with the giving breast milk excusive in area Public health center Biak Numfor Regency Town of Biak of Papua Province. Methods the method of writing used in this research is the use of analytical design research with Cross Sectional approach. Cross sectional study design i. e. the measurement or observation is performed at a time. Results from the results of research, Knowledge p = 0.05, not significantly r = 0.830. , (correlation mother's milk is high), the myth of p =-0.091 (not significant). , r = 0, 551 (mother's milk are correlated). , the attitude of the p = 0.000, (significant) r = 0, 630 (correlation mother's milk), and social support husband p = 0.05 (Significant), r = 0.289 (correlated), in the granting of Exclusive breast milk. Conclusion, The knowledge of the respondents positively beneficial, the existence of the myth the less influential but influential for introspection and family. , rewarding good positive attitude, positive social support beneficial husband against the granting of exclusive breast milk on the baby. suggestions health workers and counselors of breast milk increases the longer the knowledge, attitudes and social supporting of husband in the granting of exclusive breast milk in infants as well as improve understanding of the context of myth against the granting of exclusive breast milk in infants in the region Multiply Public health center of the city.
Keywords: Knowledge, The myth of breast milk, Attitude, Husband's support, Exclusive Breast Milk
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017,
Pages: 1825 - 1830