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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017 | Rating: 6.3 / 10
Plant Disease Information Generating System Based On Android Application Technology
Jha Ashish K., Bababe Adam B., Dr. Ashok K. Sahoo
Abstract: Agriculture is the bedrock of any society and adequate information with regards to it is very vital at any given time. Android Based Agricultural Info Generation Application is an android application designed for supported mobiles that majorly focuses on Agriculture sector. It is a client-server architecture in which android mobile acts as a client, Server processes the clients query and relay the related information to the client. Application is installed in mobile device and information updates are sent to it through the server. This work basically identifies plants leaf diseases on the basis of image captured i. e. send via mobile, the server processes the image based on the diseases detected and gives advices if necessary. Different disease information and its remedial/preventive measures are provided in the local server. Users can browse and download information about these agricultural information at any time.
Keywords: Plant, Mobile, Android, Disease, Agriculture
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017,
Pages: 1707 - 1714