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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Agricultural Economics | Indonesia | Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017 | Rating: 6.7 / 10
Business Development Model of Poultry Partnership CV. AJC GO that Approach with Business Model Canvas
Rifan Ardiansyah, Rita Nurmalina, Bunasor Sanim
Abstract: Commodities poultry in Indonesia has market prospects because poultry product can be accepted by public, affordable price, accessible and empower breeder in countryside. The limitations in terms of capital, technology and human resources are made cooperation form in livestock agribusiness by various concerned parties. CV. AJC GO is one of partnerships company in poultry industry that engaged with breeder broiler group. However in its perform, CV. AJC GO has some problems that require new strategies to improve the business model. The result of alternative strategy with SWOT Analysis toward Business Model that obtained by CV. AJC GO has improving capacity and welfare of employees, improving capacity and welfare of employees, expanding the marketing of products to retail business and franchises using raw materials chicken, and attracting investors
Keywords: business model canvas, SWOT, alternative strategies, poultry partnership
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017,
Pages: 1266 - 1272