International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Civil Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 6, June 2014 | Rating: 6.9 / 10

Improvement of Performance of Rapid Sand Filter Using Coconut Shell as Capping Media

Mota Manoj H, Chougule Shashiraj S, Bhosale Gopal M

Abstract: Rapid sand filters are very common in all conventional water treatment plants. The major problem associated with it is stratification; which restrict the complete utilization of sand bed used. Also most of the rapid sand filter beds are suffering by the problems like mud ball formation; unsatisfactory effluent and high backwash water requirement. Dual media and multimedia filters can overcome the limitations of rapid sand filters. Alternatively; higher filtration rates even can be achieved. However; the use of such techniques is limited in India due to unavailability of filter materials apart from sand. Capping of existing rapid sand filters can be the promising method of improving the performance of rapid sand filters. Capping is a process of covering the filtration media by appropriates caps such as Anthracite coal; Bituminous coal; Crushed coconut shells; etc. The attempt is made to study the effect of capping of RSF by the use of coconut shell as a capping media by pilot scale study. The pilot scale study has shown very encouraging results. Comparative study shown that higher rate of filtration is possible along with higher filter run and less backwash requirement

Keywords: Rapid sand filters, stratification, Capping of rapid sand filters, coconut shell, filter run, backwash requirement

Edition: Volume 3 Issue 6, June 2014,

Pages: 2254 - 2257

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