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Research Paper | Electronics & Communication Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 6, June 2014 | Rating: 6.5 / 10
Integrating GSM and Zigbee Wireless Networks for Smart A2 farming Enterprises in Zimbabwe
Tinotenda Zwavashe [3] | Rudo Duri [2]
Abstract: The paper aims to present a possible solution to farming automation in the Zimbabwean agricultural sector. This is done by presenting a model of a GSM mobile network combined with Zigbee wireless network to come up with a multi monitoring and control system capable of taking care of a large agricultural environment. Human farm workers are able to get data and send control data from anywhere in Zimbabwe by sending and receiving messages over a GSM network to and from a master controller. The master controller communicates with remote/ sensor nodes which are scattered in the different fields over a zigbee network. It is this master controller which sends query commands to sensor nodes to gather sensor data before sending the gathered data to the mobile user. Control commands send by the mobile user also pass through the master node before being channeled to the appropriate sensor node by this master node. The master node will consist the LPC2148 microcontroller while the sensor nodes will comprise the PIC16F877A. Attached to the master node is a real time clock which keeps track of real time which is displayed on LCD. Thus the system can keep track of the maximum and minimum daily temperatures for the day. These values are displayed on LCD and can also be queried by the mobile user at any time.
Keywords: GSM, Zigbee, Remote monitoring, LPC2148, PIC16F877A, Smart A2 farming, GSM modem, Real Time Clock
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 6, June 2014,
Pages: 75 - 80