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Survey Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 5, May 2014 | Rating: 6.3 / 10
Different Substrates Use in Microstrip Patch Antenna-A Survey
Kiran Jain, Keshav Gupta
Abstract: Here we discussed different dielectric substrate frequently used in microstrip patch antenna to enhance overall efficiency of antenna. Various substrates like foam; duroid; benzocyclobutane; roger 4350; epoxy; FR4; Duroid 6010 are in use to achieve better gain and bandwidth. A dielectric substrate is a insulator which is a main constituent of the microstrip structure; where a thicker substrate is considered because it has direct proportionality with bandwidth whereas dielectric constant is inversely proportional to bandwidth as lower the relative permittivity better the fringing is achieved. Another factor that impact directly is loss tangent it shows inverse relation with efficiency the dilemma is here is that substrate with lower loss tangent is costlier. A clear pros and cons are discussed here of different substrates for judicious selection. A substrate gives mechanical strength to the antenna.
Keywords: Microstrip Patch Antenna, Metamaterials, Survey of Substrates, Circular Patch, FR 4 epoxy
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 5, May 2014,
Pages: 1802 - 1803