International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

Article Template Guidelines

Article Styling
  • No. of Columns: Single Column
  • Font Family: Times New Roman
  • Font Size: 10 pt
  • Page Size: A4
  • Page Orientation: Portrait
  • Top Margin: 0.7 Inch
  • Bottom Margin: 0.7 Inch
  • Left Margin: 0.67 Inch
  • Right Margin: 0.56 Inch
Article Pattern
  • Title (Maximum 120 Characters)
  • Author Name, Affiliation and Email ID
  • Abstract (Maximum 200 words)
  • Keywords (Maximum Five)
  • Introduction
  • Literature Survey
  • Problem Definition
  • Methodology / Approach
  • Results & Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Future Scope
  • References
  • Each Author (s) Short Profile with Photo(s)
  • Title: Title must be informative and specific. It should be easily understandable by the reader and should reflect the motive of the research paper.
  • Author Name, Affiliation and Email ID: Author First name and Last name only. Please don't include non academic salutations like Mr / Mrs / Miss. etc. Only provide your Non Institutional Email Address
  • Abstract: One paragraph containing at most 200 words. It is a summary of the report describing the question investigated, the methods used, the principle results and conclusions.
  • Keywords: Five Keywords, they are specific terms or phrases that capture the essential topics, concepts, or themes of the paper.
  • Introduction: It is a brief section usually not more than a page. It should be informing the reader of the relevance of your research.
  • Literature Survey: This section includes a short history or relevant background of the research area being addressed.
  • Methods / Approach: This section should describe how you are supposed to rectify the problem, what approach or what methodology you are supposed to use in your paper.
  • Results / Discussion: This section describes the outputs generated in the methodology section. Elaborate and compare your results with previous research performed in the past.
  • Conclusion: Final extract of your research performed. Concisely elaborate your final output here.
  • Future Scope: What are the future possibilities of improvement in the research you performed. Discuss the limitations and benefits over historical research.
  • References: Always use Vancouver style or Oxford style for Citation and ordering the References. If you reference an external source in your paper, you should cite where you found that source. Give credit to the actual contributor, they deserve this.
  • Authors Short Profile: Short bio of all the authors, include a small picture also. People should know you too!


Editorial Team, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

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