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Research Paper, Ayurveda, India, Volume 12 Issue 1, January 2023
80 - 84Role of Jatyadi Taila in the Management of Parikartika W. S. R to Fissure-in-Ano
Vardhan Swati [2] | Gupta Lokesh [2] | Sharma Satakshi [2] | Dutt Pushkar
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Study Papers, Nanotechnology, India, Volume 12 Issue 5, May 2023
736 - 740Study of Nanotechnology & It's Application in Multiple Field
Safaa Subhi Akbar | Dr. Vishal Vincent Henry | Satakshi [3]
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Research Paper, Ayurveda, India, Volume 12 Issue 4, April 2023
473 - 477Role of Varuna Kwatha in the Management of Mootrashmari W.S.R to Urolithiasis
Gupta Lokesh [2] | Vardhan Swati [2] | Sharma Satakshi [2]