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Review Papers, Computer Science & Engineering, India, Volume 6 Issue 1, January 2017
555 - 561A Review: Towards Quality of Service in Cloud Computing
Juhi Singh [8] | Shalini Agarwal [7] | Jayant Mishra [4]
Downloads: 132
Review Papers, Computer Science & Engineering, India, Volume 6 Issue 1, January 2017
1012 - 1019Clustering Algorithms: Brief Review in Bioinformatics
Jayant Mishra [4] | Vivek Agarwal | Megha Sharma [6] | J.K Srivastava
Downloads: 109
Research Paper, Astronomy Science, India, Volume 5 Issue 11, November 2016
1710 - 1715Power Sources for Rovers
Pakhi Agarwal | Dr. Jayant Mishra
Downloads: 105
Research Paper, Biotechnology, India, Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017
1898 - 1901Mutational Study of RAS Subfamily 2CE2 Domain and Fosfestrol as an Ideal Drug Candidate against NSCLC
Jayant Mishra [4] | J. K. Srivastava