Found about 90 results
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Research Paper, Pharmaceutical Science, India, Volume 7 Issue 5, May 2018
8 - 12Synthesis, Characterisation and its Anti Bacterial Activity of Dalfampridine Genotoxic Impurity 1, 2-DI (PYRIDINE-4-YL) Hydrazine
Mythili A [3] | Dr. Vijayabaskaran M [2] | Dr. Yogesh D B [2]
Downloads: 719 | Weekly Hits: ⮙2 | Monthly Hits: ⮙2
Research Paper, Orthopaedic Surgery, India, Volume 10 Issue 1, January 2021
1 - 4A Study on Outcome of Surgical Neck Humerus Fractures Managed Operatively by Proximal Humerus Interlocking (PHILOS) Plate
Dr. Vijay R. Sata [2] | Dr. Umang R. Vadera | Dr. Dipak S. Parmar [2] | Dr Apoorva V. Dodia [2]
Downloads: 235 | Weekly Hits: ⮙1 | Monthly Hits: ⮙1
Case Studies, Diabetology, India, Volume 9 Issue 1, January 2020
275 - 275Glimepiride and Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion
Dr. Pooja Kulkarni | Dr. Mallanna Mulimani | Dr. Vijaykumar Bhavi
Downloads: 157
Case Studies, Biotechnology, India, Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017
8 - 9Bone Marrow Extracted Autologous Mononuclear Cell Therapy in Autism
Dr. Vijay Rajesh Andanamala | Dr. Naga Sankar Vemuri
Downloads: 157
Case Studies, Gynaecology, India, Volume 7 Issue 2, February 2018
739 - 740Severe Anemia Complicating Pregnancy with Rare Bombay Blood Group: An Obstetric Challenge
Dr. Neethi Scindia S | Dr. Vijaya Revanker | Dr. Sauda Alam
Downloads: 153
Case Studies, Medical Surgical, India, Volume 6 Issue 1, January 2017
73 - 75Posterior Hypoplastic C1 Arch with Neurological Deficits ? A Case Report
Dr. Venkata Ramakrishna Tukkapuram | Dr. Sree Harsha C. K. | Dr. Vijay Kumar Shabadi
Downloads: 146
Case Studies, Genetics Science, India, Volume 7 Issue 4, April 2018
114 - 116Ambiguous Genitalia: A Case Report
Dr. Anjali Sabnis | Dr. Vijay N Kamale
Downloads: 144
Review Papers, Pediatrics, India, Volume 4 Issue 6, June 2015
2803 - 2806Distal Shoe: A Review of Literature
Dr. Vidyavathi. H. Patil | Dr. Vijay. Trasad | Dr. Shivayogi M. Hugar
Downloads: 143
Research Paper, Pharmaceutical Science, India, Volume 7 Issue 5, May 2018
13 - 16Synthesis, Characterisation and its Anti Bacterial Activity of Dalfampridine Genotoxic Impurity 4-Amino Pyridine N-Oxide
Mythili A [3] | Dr. Vijayabaskaran M [2] | Dr. Yogesh D B [2]
Downloads: 140
Research Paper, Medicine Science, India, Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017
255 - 258Evaluation of Effect of Epidural Anaesthesia on Pulmonary Functions in Patients Undergoing Upper Abdominal Surgery under General Anaesthesia
Dr. R. Kavitha M.D. | Dr. Vijaya M.D.
Downloads: 140
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Pathology, India, Volume 7 Issue 3, March 2018
290 - 294A Study of Neutrophil Volume, Conductance and Scattergram Parameters in early detection of Neonatal Sepsis
Dr. Vijay Kapse [3] | Dr. Jayanti Chandrakar [2] | Dr. Renuka Gahine [5] | Dr. Girish Suman
Downloads: 140 | Weekly Hits: ⮙1 | Monthly Hits: ⮙1
Research Paper, Education Management, India, Volume 8 Issue 7, July 2019
565 - 570Validation of Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory Short Form in the Indian Context
Rajib Chakraborty | Dr. Vijay Kumar Chechi
Downloads: 137
Research Paper, Medicine Science, India, Volume 6 Issue 1, January 2017
535 - 539Financial Implications in Management of Multidrug Resistant Tuberculosis in India
Dr. Jairaj P Nair | Dr. Amita U Athavale | Dr. Vijay S Khatri | Dr. Tanjul Saxena
Downloads: 137 | Weekly Hits: ⮙1 | Monthly Hits: ⮙1
Informative Article, Pathology, India, Volume 8 Issue 2, February 2019
1201 - 1205Adverse Donor Reaction During and After Blood Donation at Tertiary Care Center-An Observational Study
Dr. Vijay Kapse [3] | Dr. Vanita Bhaskar [4] | Dr. Renuka Gahine [5] | Dr. Apurva Agarwal
Downloads: 136
Research Paper, Management, India, Volume 9 Issue 1, January 2020
832 - 833Commerce and Management Education in India: 21st Century
Dr. Vijayakumar A B
Downloads: 134 | Weekly Hits: ⮙1 | Monthly Hits: ⮙1
Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India, Volume 6 Issue 3, March 2017
794 - 798Negative Pressure Wound Therapy versus Conventional Wound Therapy in Pressure Sores
Dr. Vijay Krishan Agarwal | Dr. Dhanesh Kumar [3] | Dr. Sandeep Kansal [3] | Dr. Chetna Khanna
Downloads: 133
Survey Paper, Computer Science & Engineering, India, Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2015
813 - 818A Comprehensive Survey on Image Scrambling Techniques
Prarthana Madan Modak | Dr. Vijaykumar Pawar
Downloads: 131
Research Paper, Pharmacology Science, India, Volume 6 Issue 3, March 2017
378 - 381Study on Evaluation of Nootropic Effect of Piracetam and Modafinil Inscopalamine Induced Amnesia in Rats
Dr. Vijayarani.R | Dr. Vijayalakshmi.S [2] | Dr. Vasanth.S [4]
Downloads: 130
Research Paper, Pharmacology Science, India, Volume 5 Issue 10, October 2016
345 - 348A Prospective Study to Evaluate Adverse Drug Reaction Following HAART Therapy in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital
Dr. Thaivanai.V | Dr. Raadhika.K [2] | Dr. Vijayalakshmi.S [2]
Downloads: 129 | Weekly Hits: ⮙1 | Monthly Hits: ⮙1
Informative Article, Law, India, Volume 8 Issue 4, April 2019
831 - 834Secularity of the Sec 125 CRPC
Harshit Pandey | Dr. Vijay Srivastava
Downloads: 128
Research Paper, Economics, India, Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015
867 - 869The Feasibility Study on Urban Horticulture for Sustainability- A Case Study on Robe Town
Dr. Sreepada Hegde [4] | Dr. Vijayalaxmi Hegde [4]
Downloads: 128
Case Studies, Medical Surgical, India, Volume 7 Issue 12, December 2018
1487 - 1489Abbreviated Injury Scale and Management of Abdominal Organ Injuries in Trauma Patients
Dr. Rahul Singh [4] | Dr. S S Rathore [2] | Dr. Vijay Verma | Dr. Amit Sharma [2]
Downloads: 126
Informative Article, Management, Ethiopia, Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015
826 - 829An Overview of Moringa Production in Ethiopia
Dr. Sreepada Hegde [4] | Dr. Vijayalaxmi Hegde [4]
Downloads: 125 | Weekly Hits: ⮙1 | Monthly Hits: ⮙1
Informative Article, Education Management, India, Volume 8 Issue 7, July 2019
1703 - 1704Role of Technology in Innovative Teaching
Dr. Vijaykumar B. Khandate [3]
Downloads: 125
Research Paper, Medicine, India, Volume 9 Issue 2, February 2020
1770 - 1774A Comparative Study of Serum Magnesium Levels in Patients of Stable and Acute Exacerbation of COPD at Institute of Respiratory Diseases, SMS Medical Colege, Jaipur
Dr. R. K. Jenaw | Dr. Vijay Kachhawa
Downloads: 124
Research Paper, Medical Science, India, Volume 9 Issue 2, February 2020
1810 - 1815A Study of Usage of Fresh Frozen Plasma in Liver Diseases and its Effect on PT and INR in Post Transfusional State
Dr. Vijay Kapse [3] | Dr. Vishal Kulkarni | Dr. Renuka Gahine [5] | Dr. Jyoti Chaudhary
Downloads: 122
Research Paper, Education Management, India, Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015
1824 - 1827Autistic Savants: Making Child Really Special
Downloads: 120
Case Studies, Medical Surgical, India, Volume 6 Issue 2, February 2017
1880 - 1882Study of Colostomy: Its Indication and Complication
Dr. Nishikant Gujar [2] | Dr. Vijay Shivpuje | Dr. Shiraz Ahamed Sharief | Dr. Vijay N [5]
Downloads: 120 | Weekly Hits: ⮙1 | Monthly Hits: ⮙1
Informative Article, Education Management, India, Volume 7 Issue 9, September 2018
1652 - 1652Benefits and Challenges of Digital Technology
Dr. Vijaykumar B. Khandate [3]
Downloads: 120 | Weekly Hits: ⮙1 | Monthly Hits: ⮙1
Research Paper, Cancer Science, India, Volume 8 Issue 11, November 2019
1002 - 1007Immunohistochemical Evaluation of Cancer Stem Cells in Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders and Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Using Aldh1a1
Dr. Sahana Srinath [2] | Dr Asha R Iyengar | Dr. Vijaya Mysorekar | Dr. Srinath S K
Downloads: 119 | Weekly Hits: ⮙1 | Monthly Hits: ⮙1
Case Studies, Medicine Science, India, Volume 3 Issue 10, October 2014
671 - 674Rare Presentation of SLE-Convulsion without Stroke before the Appearance of Malar Rash: A Case Study
Dr. Vijaykumar S. Gulwe [2] | Dr. Ajeya N. Ukadgaonkar | Dr. Vishal R. Dalvi | Dr. Sandeep Sanap [2] | Dr. Vajed Mogal [6]
Downloads: 119
Research Paper, Education Management, India, Volume 9 Issue 2, February 2020
995 - 995Academic Achievement and Creativity
Dr. Vijaykumar B. Khandate [3]
Downloads: 118 | Weekly Hits: ⮙1 | Monthly Hits: ⮙1
Research Paper, Biochemistry Science, India, Volume 3 Issue 12, December 2014
877 - 880Evaluation of Proximate Composition and Phytochemical analysis of Terminalia catappa L. from Nagapattinam Region
Vijaya Packirisamy | Dr. Vijayalakshmi Krishnamorthi
Downloads: 118
Informative Article, Economics, India, Volume 3 Issue 12, December 2014
2052 - 2054An Economic Overview of Ginger Production in Ethiopia
Dr. Vijayalaxmi Hegde [4] | Dr. Sreepada Hegde [4]
Downloads: 116
Informative Article, Agricultural Engineering, India, Volume 2 Issue 6, June 2013
257 - 260Assessment Of Global Rice Production And Export Opportunity For Economic Development In Ethiopia
Dr. Sreepada Hegde [4] | Dr. Vijayalaxmi Hegde [4]
Downloads: 115
Research Paper, Education Management, India, Volume 3 Issue 12, December 2014
820 - 825Parent Teacher Communication in School: An Analysis in terms of Enabling and Disabling Factors as Perceived by Teachers
Downloads: 115
Case Studies, Medicine Science, India, Volume 4 Issue 8, August 2015
2090 - 2093Unusual Presentation of Cortical Venous Sinus Thrombosis in a Body Builder Using Anabolic Steroids: A Case Study
Dr. Vijaykumar S. Gulwe [2] | Dr. Namita Soni [2] | Dr. Sarfaraz Mohammed | Dr. Aniket Kurhade [2] | Dr. Preetam Ahire [3] | Dr. Vaibhav Patil | Dr. Vinit Sarode | Dr. Amruta Pansambal
Downloads: 115
Research Paper, Medicine Science, India, Volume 4 Issue 9, September 2015
2097 - 2099A Retrospective Analysis of Cesarean Section in a Tertiary Care Hospital
Dr. C. Santhanalakshmi | Dr. Vijayalakshmi Gnanasekaran [2] | Dr. A. R. Chakravarthy
Downloads: 112 | Weekly Hits: ⮙1 | Monthly Hits: ⮙1
Research Paper, Education Management, India, Volume 4 Issue 2, February 2015
1710 - 1713Teachable Moments: A Tool for Improving Learner's Learning in Depth and Breath
Downloads: 111 | Weekly Hits: ⮙1 | Monthly Hits: ⮙1
Research Paper, Yoga and Meditation, India, Volume 7 Issue 6, June 2018
1887 - 1889Effect of Yoga on Quality of Life on Orphan Girls Dwelling in Orphanage
Sharmila Udupi | Sahana Murty | Dr. Vijaya Kumar
Downloads: 109
Research Paper, Medicine Science, India, Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016
1314 - 1317Correlation of Primary Open Angle Glaucoma and Other Systemic and Vascular Diseases
Dr. Anupama J. Mahant | Dr. Vijay Damor | Dr. Gazala Mansuri | Dr. Harshit Shah
Downloads: 108
Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India, Volume 4 Issue 5, May 2015
2725 - 2729Time Delay Processing In Networked Control System Using Smith Predictor and ANN Based Error Predictor
Shubhasree.A.V | Dr. Vijay Kumar [8]
Downloads: 108
Case Studies, Medicine Science, India, Volume 5 Issue 4, April 2016
2402 - 2404Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Presenting as Splenic Infarcts ? A Rare Case Report
Dr. Vijaykumar Gulwe | Dr. Mahendra Wawhal [4] | Dr. Namita Soni [2] | Dr. Pratik Patil [3] | Dr. Preetam Ahire [3] | Dr. Nidhi Dahiya | Dr. Indira Kanjani [3]
Downloads: 105
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India, Volume 4 Issue 6, June 2015
2619 - 2623Embedded Ethernet Microcontroller Prototype For Different Parameter Monitoring And Control
Yogita P Dhole | Dr. Vijayshree A More
Downloads: 74
Research Paper, Education Management, India, Volume 3 Issue 11, November 2014
1445 - 1448Analysis of Learners Attitude towards Teachers Feedback on Errors in Written Work
Downloads: 71
Research Paper, Obstetrics and Gynecology, India, Volume 9 Issue 8, August 2020
1004 - 1007Maternal Mortality in a Tertiary Care Hospital: A 5 - Year Review
Dr. Vijay Kumar Saini | Dr. B. S. Jodha [3]
Downloads: 71 | Weekly Hits: ⮙1 | Monthly Hits: ⮙1
Research Paper, Social Science, India, Volume 10 Issue 10, October 2021
1 - 2Comparative Study of Value and Creativity among Tribal Students
Dr. Vijaykumar Bhayyaji Khandate
Downloads: 65
Research Paper, Paramedical Science, India, Volume 9 Issue 2, February 2020
1355 - 1358A2 Subgroups of Blood Group A and AB in Tertiary Care Hospital: A Reflection of their Prevalence in Trivandrum
Saritha S [2] | Dr. Vijayalekshmi Kuttath
Downloads: 63 | Weekly Hits: ⮙1 | Monthly Hits: ⮙1
Review Papers, Health and Medical Sciences, India, Volume 9 Issue 11, November 2020
747 - 749Povidone-Iodine Solution as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Prophylaxis
Dr. Surapaneni Bhavana [4] | Dr. Vijayani Bomma
Downloads: 61 | Weekly Hits: ⮙1 | Monthly Hits: ⮙1
Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India, Volume 10 Issue 2, February 2021
338 - 341A Study of Functional Outcomes of Anatomical Posterolateral Corner Reconstruction for the Treatment of Posterolateral Instability of the Knee Joint: Minimum 6 Month Follow Up
Dr. Dipak S. Parmar [2] | Dr. Dhaval A. Patel | Dr. Vijay R. Sata [2] | Dr Apoorva V. Dodia [2]
Downloads: 55 | Weekly Hits: ⮙1 | Monthly Hits: ⮙1
Research Paper, Homeopathy, India, Volume 9 Issue 11, November 2020
347 - 349To Study the Utility of Synthesis Repertory in Cases of Hemorrhoids
Downloads: 30
Research Paper, Physiotherapy, India, Volume 10 Issue 2, February 2021
1585 - 1589Effectiveness of Taping in Treatment of Patellofemoral Pain
Dr. Vijayshree Singh
Downloads: 29 | Weekly Hits: ⮙3 | Monthly Hits: ⮙4
Research Paper, Pathology, India, Volume 13 Issue 3, March 2024
25 - 30Evaluating the Efficacy of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology in Thyroid Swellings: A Comparative Study with Histopathology
Dr. Muthu Venkat T | Dr. Vijayalakshmi [9]
Downloads: 22 | Weekly Hits: ⮙2 | Monthly Hits: ⮙2
Research Paper, Health and Medical Sciences, India, Volume 12 Issue 7, July 2023
1037 - 1041Demographic Data of Patients with Pressure Ulcer and Duration taken for Healing in Out of Hospital Care Setting
Neeti Nayak | Dr. Vijay Janagama | Dr. Gaurav Thukral [2] | Dr. Sunanda Kandiraju
Downloads: 10 | Weekly Hits: ⮙1 | Monthly Hits: ⮙1
Research Paper, Medicine, India, Volume 10 Issue 7, July 2021
368 - 370Analysis of Profile of Blood Transfusion in Patients of Beta Thalassemia: An Experience from Tertiary Care Centre of Jammu Region
Dr. Vijay Sawhney | Dr. Salve Sharma
Downloads: 8 | Weekly Hits: ⮙1 | Monthly Hits: ⮙1
Case Studies, Medicine, India, Volume 10 Issue 4, April 2021
713 - 713Rare Case of Vitamin D Deficiency without Elevation of Alkaline Phosphatase
Dr. Kapil Bainade | Dr. V Kotrashetty | Dr. Vijay Sonawane | Dr. Shwetha Nair | Dr. Megha Sharma
Downloads: 8 | Weekly Hits: ⮙1 | Monthly Hits: ⮙2
Research Paper, Oncology Science, India, Volume 12 Issue 10, October 2023
498 - 502Epidemiology, Etiology, Clinical Profile and Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma at a Tertiary Care Institute from Tamilnadu Over 5 Year Follow up - A Retrospective Analysis
Dr. Chodavarapu Dheeraj | Dr. K Chandralekha | Dr. Naveen Ravel | Dr. Sathiyamoorthy [2] | Dr. Vijayalakshmi [9] | Dr. Teena Rajan | Dr. K Meena [2]
Downloads: 8 | Weekly Hits: ⮙1 | Monthly Hits: ⮙1
Case Studies, Homeopathy, India, Volume 13 Issue 8, August 2024
447 - 452Acute Management of Hyperemesis Gravidarum with Homoeopathic Remedy; An Individual Case Study
Dr. Vijay Krishna S | Dr. R. M. Priya Rajini [3]
Downloads: 7 | Weekly Hits: ⮙7 | Monthly Hits: ⮙7
Analysis Study Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India, Volume 14 Issue 1, January 2025
671 - 676Prevalence of Blood Transfusions in Term Pregnancies undergoing Lower Segment Cesarean Section: A Retrospective Study
Dr. Vijaymala Sherkhane | Dr. Tushar Palve | Dr. Rajashree Thatikonda [2]
Downloads: 6 | Weekly Hits: ⮙1 | Monthly Hits: ⮙1
Research Paper, Obstetrics and Gynecology, India, Volume 12 Issue 5, May 2023
776 - 781A Study on Hydatidiform Mole
Dr. Bhakti V Kalyankar | Dr. Vijay Y Kalyankar | Dr. Shrinivas N Gadappa | Dr. Harshitha S | Dr. Ishwarya M
Downloads: 6 | Weekly Hits: ⮙1 | Monthly Hits: ⮙2
Research Paper, Health Sciences, India, Volume 13 Issue 5, May 2024
1321 - 1323Assessing Medication Adherence in Patients with Chronic Autoimmune Diseases - Doctors'
Dr. S. Bhavana | Dr. Vijaya Prasanna Parimi | Dr. R. N. Tejaswini | Dr. G. Narsimulu
Downloads: 6 | Weekly Hits: ⮙1 | Monthly Hits: ⮙3
Research Paper, Finance, India, Volume 13 Issue 9, September 2024
132 - 137Beyond Knowledge: The Interplay of Financial Knowledge, Overconfidence, Under-confidence and Demographic Factors in Personal Financial Decision Making
Dr. Vijayalakshmi R.
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Review Papers, Nursing, India, Volume 12 Issue 8, August 2023
580 - 581Repetitive Strain Injuries among Children's
Mohit Verma [2] | Dr. Vijay Laxmi Verma [2]
Downloads: 5 | Weekly Hits: ⮙5 | Monthly Hits: ⮙5
Case Studies, Orthopaedic Surgery, India, Volume 13 Issue 8, August 2024
643 - 646Functional and Radiological Outcome of a Case of Intra Articular Calcaneum Fracture Treated with Open Reduction and Internal Fixation with Plating
Dr. S. Surya | Dr. Navaneetha Krishnan R | Dr. Vijay Narasimman Reddy [2]
Downloads: 4 | Weekly Hits: ⮙1 | Monthly Hits: ⮙1
Research Paper, Chemistry, India, Volume 13 Issue 2, February 2024
1403 - 1406Heavy Metal Contamination of Water and their Toxic Effect on Human Health Area of Kishangarh Block of Alwar District (Rajasthan)
Reena Verma | Dr. Vijay Singh Yadav | Dr. Akhalesh Kumar
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Case Studies, General Surgery, India, Volume 13 Issue 9, September 2024
1327 - 1332A Case Series of Intussusception in Adults
Dr. Pavithra Anand | Dr. Vijayalakshmi R [2] | Dr. Ramprasath A
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Research Paper, Toxicology Science, India, Volume 12 Issue 6, June 2023
679 - 681Analysis of the Presence of Trace Metals in the Palms of Beedi Rollers in Manglore
Dr. Sandeep J [4] | Dr. Vijaya Hegde [3]
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Case Studies, Obstetrics and Gynecology, India, Volume 12 Issue 7, July 2023
1652 - 1654Second Trimester Uterine Rupture: A Case Report
Dr. Swati Goel | Dr. Vijay Yashwant Kalyankar | Dr. Swati Badgire [2] | Dr. Shrinivas Gadappa [3] | Dr. Vidhi Gawande
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Research Paper, Virology Science, India, Volume 12 Issue 12, December 2023
1904 - 1906Evolution and Dynamics of Dengue Cases in India 2017-2022: A Retrospective Study of Trends, Seasonality, and the Impact of COVID-19: A Record- Based Study
Dr. Tejal Jagtap | Dr. Neeta Jangle | Dr. Vijay Kulkarni | Dr. Hemangi Walke
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Research Paper, Nursing, India, Volume 13 Issue 3, March 2024
844 - 848A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme Regarding Behavioural Problems in Children 1 - 12 Years of Mothers in Selected Hospital in Moradabad U. P.
Mohit Verma [2] | Dr. Vijay Laxmi Verma [2]
Downloads: 3 | Weekly Hits: ⮙1 | Monthly Hits: ⮙1
Case Studies, Homeopathy, India, Volume 13 Issue 7, July 2024
852 - 854Treatment of Perianal & Perineal Herpes Simplex Infection with Homoeopathy, A Case Report
Dr. Vijay Krishna [2] | Dr. R. M. Priya Rajini [3]
Downloads: 3 | Weekly Hits: ⮙4 | Monthly Hits: ⮙4
Survey Paper, Gynaecology, India, Volume 13 Issue 8, August 2024
1008 - 1015Questionnaire based Cross Sectional Survey of Gynecological Issues and Health Awareness among Late Adolescents and Young Adults
Dr. Apurva Wamanrao Dhote | Dr. Vijayalakshmi Gnanasekaran [2] | Dr. G. Ganitha | Dr. P. S. Jikki Kalaiselvi
Downloads: 2 | Weekly Hits: ⮙1 | Monthly Hits: ⮙1
Research Paper, Management, India, Volume 10 Issue 10, October 2021
840 - 842A Descriptive Study of Work Place Motivational Factors of Private Degree Colleges of Lucknow
Prashant Kumar [11] | Dr. Vijay [90]
Downloads: 2 | Weekly Hits: ⮙1 | Monthly Hits: ⮙1
Masters Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India, Volume 11 Issue 7, July 2022
942 - 945IoT Based Artificial Intelligence Controlled Environment Monitoring Robotic System
Monisha S Raju | Dr. Vijayakumar T
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Research Paper, Dental Science, India, Volume 12 Issue 3, March 2023
1215 - 1217Awareness towards Second - Hand Smoke Exposure among Group D Workers of Tertiary Hospital in Mangalore: A Cross Sectional Study
Dr. Kavitha. P. T | Dr. Roshan. Shetty | Dr. Vijaya Hegde [3]
Downloads: 2 | Weekly Hits: ⮙1 | Monthly Hits: ⮙1
Doctoral Thesis, Medical Surgical, India, Volume 12 Issue 8, August 2023
627 - 632Study of Clinical Evaluation of Glaucoma with Anterior Segment OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography) and Optic Nerve Head OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography)
Dr. Avanish Kumar Singh | Dr. Anjali D Patil | Dr. Vijay Hari Karambelkar
Downloads: 2 | Weekly Hits: ⮙2 | Monthly Hits: ⮙2
Comparative Studies, Finance, India, Volume 13 Issue 4, April 2024
774 - 778To Study the Comparison between World Top 10 Stock Market
Krutika Jagdish Patel | Dr. Vijay Gondaliya
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Dissertation Chapters, Radiology and Medical Imaging Sciences, India, Volume 11 Issue 6, June 2022
973 - 977Determination of Value of Contrast Enhanced Computed Tomography (CECT) in Early Diagnosis of Acute Pancreatitis: An Observational, Hospital - Based, Single - Center Study
Dr. Vijay D. Wakode | Dr. Anjali P. Wasadikar
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Case Studies, Anaesthesiology, India, Volume 11 Issue 11, November 2022
540 - 541Anaesthetic Management of Achondroplasia Case Posted for Open Cystolithotomy Surgery: A Case Report
Dr. J. Hemalatha | Dr. M. Reshma | Dr. Vijayakumari
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Study Papers, Biomedical Sciences, India, Volume 11 Issue 11, November 2022
944 - 948Public Views on Donation and Use of Human Biological Samples for Biomedical Research
Dr. Sandeep J. | Dr. Vijaya Hegde [3]
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Analysis Study Research Paper, Pharmacy, India, Volume 11 Issue 11, November 2022
1085 - 1087Pharmacognostic Investigations and Antimicrobial Activity on Crepe Ginger
Saurabh Dubey | Dr. Vijay Nigam | Jagrati Chaurasia | Praveen Saxena | Manoj Rajput | Meraj Khan
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Comparative Studies, Anaesthesiology, India, Volume 12 Issue 3, March 2023
724 - 727A Comparative Study on the Efficacy between 0.75% Ropivacaine with Dexmedetomidine and Dexamethasone as Adjuvants for Ultrasound-Guided Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block in Upper Limb Surgeries
Dr. Vamsi Krishna Mamidala | Dr Anjani Davaluri | Dr. Vijaya Lakshmi Gattu
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Research Paper, Toxicology Science, India, Volume 12 Issue 5, May 2023
644 - 646A Retrospective Study of Deaths due to Poisoning in Tertiary Care Hospital, Solapur
Dr. Vijay V. Waghmode | Dr. Balaji Patil | Dr. Sheshan Kamble | Dr. Yogiraj Karamblekar | Dr. Santosh Bhoi
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Case Studies, Medical Science, India, Volume 12 Issue 5, May 2023
782 - 783Kikuchi Fujimoto Disease - A Rare Case
Dr. Tuhin Shrivastava [2] | Dr. Urvee Swaika [2] | Dr. Rupali Jain | Dr. Urshlla Kaul | Dr. Vijay Vishwanathan | Dr. Vijay Kamale [2]
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Case Studies, Paediatrics, India, Volume 12 Issue 5, May 2023
1439 - 1440There is Nothing as Too Early but Definitely as too Late Study on Time of Diagnosis to Outcome in Children with SLE
Dr Kanmani K | Dr. Avinash Shivarampally | Dr. Vijay Kamale [2]
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Research Paper, Ophthalmology, India, Volume 12 Issue 7, July 2023
2187 - 2190Exploring the Spectrum of Microbial Keratitis: A Comprehensive Study at a Tertiary Hospital in Western Maharashtra
Dr. Aikya V. Gadhiya | Dr. B.S. Joshi | Dr. Vijay H. Karambelkar [2] | Dr. Dnyanesh Shirke
Downloads: 1 | Weekly Hits: ⮙1 | Monthly Hits: ⮙1
Research Paper, Ophthalmology, India, Volume 12 Issue 7, July 2023
2265 - 2268Utilizing Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography for Comprehensive Analysis of Corneal Disorders
Dr. Manglesh Mohan Gupta | Dr. Bhalchandra S. Joshi | Dr. Vijay H. Karambelkar [2]
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Case Studies, Medical Science, India, Volume 12 Issue 10, October 2023
532 - 535Biliary Tuberculosis Mimicking Cholangiocarcinoma - A Case Report
Dr. Ravi Shankar Bagepally | Dr. Vijay Rampally | Dr. Bharani Immaneni | Dr. Viswanath Reddy Donapati | Dr. Tajuddin | Dr. Vamsi Krishna Boddi Reddy
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Masters Thesis, Pediatric Specialty, India, Volume 12 Issue 10, October 2023
851 - 858Evaluation and Comparison of Antimicrobial Efficacy of New Irrigant Chitosan Citrate on Enterococcus Faecalis and its Potency to Remove Smear Layer: An Invitro Study
Dr. Philu Achaam Philip | Dr. Savitha Sathyaprasad [11] | Dr. Vijaynath S | Dr. Dhiraj Krishna | Phibi Philip Naduvathu
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Case Studies, Orthopaedic Surgery, India, Volume 13 Issue 7, July 2024
1331 - 1333A Case Report on Pathological Neck of Femur Fracture due to Metastasis Treated by Total Hip Replacement
Dr. Raamji M | Dr. Vijay Narasimman Reddy [2]