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Research Paper, Education Management, India, Volume 9 Issue 12, December 2020
1552 - 1555Personality Development
Dr. Shital Dinkarrao Adgaonkar [4]
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Informative Article, Educational Psychology, India, Volume 10 Issue 9, September 2021
1293 - 1295To Check the Effectiveness of the Use of Educational Tools on the Educational Achievement of Secondary School Students in Wardha District - An Experimental Study
Dr. Shital Dinkarrao Adgaonkar [4]
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Informative Article, Educational Psychology, India, Volume 10 Issue 9, September 2021
1154 - 1156Study of Adolescent Students' Confidence and Social Adjustment
Dr. Shital Dinkarrao Adgaonkar [4]
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Informative Article, Educational Psychology, India, Volume 10 Issue 10, October 2021
79 - 80A Collaborative Study of Teacher Trainee's Emotional Intelligence and Adjustment Equivalence - Therapeutic Study
Dr. Shital Dinkarrao Adgaonkar [4]