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Research Paper, Gynaecology, India, Volume 7 Issue 3, March 2018
170 - 174A Retrospective Study to Evaluate Etiological Factors Associated with Intrauterine Fetal Death at Tertiary Referral Centre
Dr. Richa Jha [5] | Dr. Renu Rohatgi [7]
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Research Paper, Gynaecology, India, Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017
43 - 46Mullerian Anomalies: A Cause of Primary Amenorrhoea
Dr. Richa Jha [5] | Dr. Renu Rohatgi [7]
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Research Paper, Gynaecology, India, Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017
1581 - 1584Abnormal Umbilical Cord Coiling Index and Its Relation to Adverse Perinatal Outcome
Dr. Richa Jha [5] | Dr. Renu Rohatgi [7]
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Research Paper, Gynaecology, India, Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017
1915 - 1918Comparative Study of Intracervical Foleys Catheter Instillation vs PGE2 Gel for Induction of Labour
Dr. Richa Jha [5] | Dr. Renu Rohatgi [7]
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Research Paper, Gynaecology, India, Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017
1927 - 1930Clinicosociodemographic Profile of Ruptured Ectopic Pregnancies at a Tertiary Care Centre
Dr. Richa Jha [5] | Dr. Renu Rohatgi [7]
Downloads: 3
Research Paper, Obstetrics and Gynecology, India, Volume 10 Issue 9, September 2021
336 - 338Antepartum and Intrapartum Cardiotocography and Fetal Outcome in High - Risk Pregnancy
Dr. Swapnil Bala | Dr. Renu Rohatgi [7] | Dr. Tabassum Ahmed [3]
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Comparative Studies, Obstetrics and Gynecology, India, Volume 10 Issue 9, September 2021
135 - 138A Comparative Study of Intracervical Foley's Catheter Instillation Vs Intracervical Dinoprostone Gel for Pre - Induction Cervical Ripening
Dr. Priyanka Gahlout | Dr. Renu Rohatgi [7] | Dr. Tabassum Ahmed [3] | Dr. Sangeeta Kumari