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Comparative Studies, Physiotherapy, India, Volume 12 Issue 4, April 2023
501 - 503Effect of IASTM vs MFR on IT band & Hamstring Flexibility and Pain in OA Knee Patients
Chintan M. Patel | Dr. Paras Bhura [3] | Dr. Camy Bhura [5]
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Comparative Studies, Health and Medical Sciences, India, Volume 12 Issue 6, June 2023
1875 - 1878Health-Related Quality of Life in Knee Osteoarthritis Patients in Vadodara
Dr. Camy Bhagat | Dr. Paras Bhura [3]
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Case Studies, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, India, Volume 11 Issue 8, August 2022
1276 - 1278Cervicogenic Vertigo - A Case Report
Dr. Camy Bhura [5] | Dr. Paras Bhura [3]